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High Holidays (Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur) 2023

Past Sessions
Sunday, September 24, 2023 9 Tishrei 5784 - All Day - Yom Kippur
Friday, September 15, 2023 29 Elul 5783 - All Day for 2 Days - Rosh Hashana

Register for Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

If you are a member or have an account, please log in now so we can correctly provide your pricing.
You may also register by calling the office at 212-966-7141, 9:30 am to 5 pm Monday through Thursday and Friday 9:30 am to 2 pm. Or you may email the office at


Member Pricing:

Member Tickets*  1 or 2 tickets included in Membership Dues
Additional Tickets  $150
Additional Child Tickets (ages 13-18)   $50
Children (ages up to 13)  Free 

* Family Memberships are eligible for 2 tickets and Individual memberships are eligible for 1 ticket with membership dues. To receive member tickets & pricing, you must be fully paid up. Member's must claim their tickets and seats by reregistering by August 20th or the seats will be released and provided to others.

If you are interested in becoming a member and taking advantage of member pricing, you should do so before registering for the High Holidays: Become a Member online. First year Hebrew School families can receive a discount membership that comes with two free seats. Please call the office to arrange the first year Hebrew School member discount.

Non-Member Pricing:

Tickets  $350 
Additional Child Tickets (ages 13-18)   $100 
Children (ages up to 13)   Free 


Family Service:

Tickets  $150 per Family


Rosh Hashanah Dinner:

Members & Non-Members*  Free



*Reservation Required by 9/11. 


More information helps us make sure you receive your end-of-year tax deduction letter.

Choose Type of Service
The Family Service will take place in the Social Hall.
Choose Seats

Please let us know which days you will be attending.
Rosh Hashanah (1st Day) Seats
Rosh Hashanah (2nd Day) Seats
Kol Nidre Seats
Yom Kipper Seats

Note: If you are new to Tribeca Synagogue (you don't have an account), you will be asked to create a password in the next step. This allows us to send you a tax deduction letter at the end of the year and you can view all your donation activity by logging in.

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Fri, December 6 2024 5 Kislev 5785