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Youth Shabbat Fund

Our Youth/Tot Shabbat programming is a great way for kids to enjoy and learn about Shabbat, and a great way for parents to be able to enjoy our services. Please consider helping us to fund the staffing for these important programs either by contributing to the fund or sponsoring  a whole event.

Sponsor Youth Shabbat

Please fill out the form and we will contact you to discuss dates and pricing. Or you may contact the office directly.

Contact Office at:
Phone: 212-966-7141

Donate to Youth Shabbat Fund

If you have an account, you should login to donate.

More information helps us make sure you receive your end-of-year tax deduction letter.

Note: If you are new to Tribeca Synagogue (you don't have an account), you will be asked to create a password in the next step. This allows us to send you a tax deduction letter at the end of the year and you can view all your donation activity by logging in.


Sat, February 8 2025 10 Shevat 5785